Additional "Ranks" Home Up
Venturing 14 - 21
Must earn before your 21st Birthday
Arts & Hobbies Cluster Image
Arts & Hobbies Venturing Bronze Award Strip
Arts & Hobbies
Outdoor Program Image
Outdoor Venturing Bronze Award Strip
Ministry Cluster Image
Youth Ministries Venturing Bronze Award Strip
Youth Ministiries
Sea Scout Ventruing Bronze Award Strip Bronze
Sea Scout
Sprots Cluster Image
Sports Venturing Bronze Award Strip
Bronze Sports
Ventruing Leadership Award Leadership
Ventruing Gold Award Gold
Ventruing Silver Award
Silver Square Knot
Silver Square Knot
Ranger Award
Ranger Square Knot
2,782 Explorers earned the Ranger Award between the years 1944-1951. BSA ran out of stock of the square knot in 1951. The Medal is still produced.
The knot can be worn by both adults and youth

Though The Arrow of Light is the highest rank a Cub can earn in Cub Scouts and Eagle is the highest rank a Scout can earn in Boy Scouts of America, the highest Ranks in Scouting are the Ranger & Quartermaster. These ranks are so rare some scouts and scouters have never even heard of them even thought they have been around since 1944.

Venturers can work on their Eagle if and only if they have earned their First Class Rank in Scouting.

Some have said that the Eagle Scout and the Queen Scout are extremely similar in requirements.

Both Males and Females can work on their Ranger, Quartermaster & Silver Awards

Some Eagles have argued that Ranger is an award and not a rank. However, Ranks are earned and awards are given. Silver Beaver, Bighorns, Spurgeon are awards. While, Arrow of Light, Eagle, and Ranger are ranks.

Sea Scouts 14 - 21
Must earn before your 21st Birthday
Apprentice Apprentice
Ordinary Ordinary
Able Able
Sea Badge Square Knot Sea Badge
Quartermaster Pin Quartermaster Square Knot Quartermaster


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