Dues, Fees and Other Costs
Several groups are responsible for supporting Boy Scouting: the boy and his parents, the troop, the charter organization, and the community. Boys are encouraged to earn money
whenever possible to pay their own expenses, and they also contribute dues to their troop treasuries to pay for budgeted items. The community, including parents, supports Scouting through the United Way, Friends of Scouting campaigns, bequests, and special contributions to the BSA local council. This income provides
leadership training, outdoor programs, council service centers and other facilities, and professional service for units.
Annual dues are $60 and are due in January. Announcements will go out when dues are payable. Dues cover the troop's insurance, its obligation to Council, and the
cost of badges and awards earned by the Scouts. The troop, alas, cannot run on dues alone. Each year the Scouts sell Christmas wreaths to raise money for both the troop and for the
Scouts, themselves. The Scouts can apply their earnings toward camp fees. We also have several smaller fundraisers during the year. Scouts who attend High Adventure camps
often defray costs by holding other kinds of fundraisers, such as car washes. The troop uses the money it earns for the purchase of troop and patrol gear.
Boys joining the troop are expected to pay a minimal registration fee and will be required to
subscribe to Boy's Life magazine. Boys entering from Cub Scouts or transferring from another
troop pay only a transfer fee. The registration fee for adults serving in official capacities
will be paid from unit funds. The Treasurer can provide exact figures for these fees.
Boys are expected to pay their part for all activities including gas money, tolls, food,
etc. Transportation is normally provided for the adult leaders accompanying the scouts
and is considered as part of the expense for the boys taking the trip. This is not an
inexpensive activity but you will find it very rewarding for the cost.
For additional information regarding financial issues and concerns, please contact the Scoutmaster
or the Troop Committee Chairman.
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