Camp MiakondaCamp Miakonda, located on Sylvania Avenue just west of Toledo, Ohio, is the sixth oldest Boy Scout Camp in the United States. The original land was purchased in 1917 and the camp was enlarged to 198 acres at some point during the 1920's. Although the camp was purchased in 1917 and the first building, originally the camp office and now the museum constructed, summer camp was not held there until 1924. At one time the camp had the world's largest swimming pool created by damming a creek that flowed through camp and then filtering the water. It had tree houses, a teepee village that was staffed by a Native American, and a one hundred foot Sea Scout "ship" built on an island in the hand dug lake. Immediately after World War II, a promotional film "Your Scout Today - Your Citizen Tomorrow" was filmed at Miakonda with Joe E. Brown, a well known film star and a Toledo native narrating. The slide show is a glimpse of the historical Miakonda. It is not a definitive exploration of the camp history and is rather more beginning of telling the Miakonda Story. We hope that you enjoy. Happy Scouting.
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This site was last updated 12/23/03