
North Baltimore, Ohio

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The Scouts of 315 welcome you and your family to our troop web site. This informational web page is meant to supply you with helpful information and answers to some of the questions you might have. If after reading this web site, you need more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Scoutmaster or the Senior Patrol Leader.

It is important that you and your parents sit down and read the Troop Policies and Practices together. It contains information that is both useful to you as a Scout and to you as parents.


What Is Scouting?

The best definition of Scouting is found in the three points of the Boy Scout Oath, symbolized by the three fingers of the scout sign. Each point of this oath defines one of the fundamental duties of a Scout: -  Duty To God,  Duty To Other People,  and Duty To Myself.

The Three Aims of the Scouting Program are:

1. To build character
2. To foster citizenship
3. To develop fitness

The Eight Methods Used to achieve these three aims are:

1. The Ideals: Found in the scout oath and law, motto, slogan.
2. The Patrol Method: Where boys discover a mini-democracy in action.
3. The Outdoor Program: The wonderful and precious laboratory where scouts learn by doing.
4. Advancement: Skill training and independent study.
5. Personal Growth: A scout's collective experiences.
6. Adult Association: Building positive role models for our youth.
7. Leadership Development: A BOY-RUN PROGRAM like ours makes this happen
8. The Uniform: To create a sense of belonging and pride.


Our Mission

Boy Scout Troop 315 is an active organization within the North Baltimore area designed to assist boys in character building and leadership skills by elevating them on a successive path of personal achievement.  The results are young men who are community and civic minded for the rest of their lives.  In addition, our troop provides opportunities for adventure in the great outdoors, and long-lasting friendships.

Troop 315 services boys aged 11-18 or grades 6-12 in North Baltimore and surrounding communities.


The Principles of Scouting

  Scout Oath Scout Law Scout Motto Scout Slogan  Outdoor Code     


Scouting Links


Additional Scout related links are available by clicking on the heading above.

bulletScout Stuff
bulletScouting Forms
bulletMerit Badge Information

North Baltimore Weather Forecast

Photo Album   Troop 315 is seeking photos for inclusion in our Photo Album and Scrapbook sections.  If you have snapshots of the troop from any era, please consider sharing them.  Please e-mail them (if you have the capabilities to send them in digital format) or we will scan them and return the originals back to you and include a digital media disk for you in appreciation.

Look at our new online photo album filled with pictures from recent camping trips, Courts of Honor, various events, and other activities at Troop 315. Communities & Forums
bulletScouting Forums

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                                                                                       This site was last updated 01/03/04