The Troop 315 Committee is a group of parent volunteers who take on various jobs to keep the troop running. The Troop 315 Committee consists of a chairman, a treasurer, a
secretary, and other members who head small committees to make sure things get done: for instance, there are committee chairs for advancement, outdoor activities, first aid and safety,
fundraising, and recruitment, to name a few. The chairpersons of the various committees can always use the help of other parents to get a job done. Participation in the Troop 315 Committee
is a great way get to know other parents in the troop and learn first hand how our troop works. We also expect parents to help with driving to and from Scout outings.
All parents are encouraged to get involved by becoming a merit badge counselor. No special training is necessary for this, only an interest in the subject and a willingness
to see the Scouts through the process of earning their merit badge. The only requirement is that you must never counsel less than two Scouts at a time. There are over one hundred merit
badges, reflecting interests in fine and performing arts, science, knowledge, physical fitness, sports, skills and more. They are listed in the BSA Merit Badge Requirement book. Individual
merit badge books are available at the Scout store, and on loan from the Albany Public Library. Troop 315 is in the process of updating its small library of merit badge books. Our books are
available on loan and can be checked out by the Scouts from the Troop Librarian.
Another way to support the troop (and your son) is to participate in adult leadership training programs. Basic training is called "Scoutmaster Fundamentals." Don’t let the
name put you off (it was formerly called "Bear Paw"): it is meant for any adult who wants to know more about scouting and who wants to develop basic leadership skills for working with
Scouts. Once this course is completed, several other leadership courses are available, depending on your interest. Basic Backpacking Awareness (BBA) teaches leadership skills and risk
management to adults who want to lead Scouts on backpack trips. There are similar leadership courses for cold weather sports ("Okpik"), bicycling (CATS) and canoeing. Then there is the
ultimate leadership training, Wood Badge, that takes you further into developing leadership skills that will serve you not only in your work with Scouts, but in other aspects of your life,
as well. There are many Scouters in the troop who have been through the various training programs and would be glad to talk to you if you are interested. Let the Troop Committee Chairman
know of your interest.